There Can Be Many Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction, And Many Men Experience It At Least Once In Their Life-Time.

Erectile Dysfunction could be temporary or long-term. It is important to understand the root cause so you can find a solution that is right for you. The causes of Erectile Dysfunction could be either psychological or physical.

The reason for this is because the sexual processes among men require systematic functions which involve the brain, the hormones, the muscles, emotions, the nerves, and the blood vessels. For sex to happen there should have an intensive combination of the physical and the psychological aspect. In the event that one of these two fails to function well, erectile dysfunction can happen. For instance, when you are stressed and physically tired at work or there is a mental issue you are battling with inside your mind, this can likely worsen your condition, at which you will unlikely, be able to maintain erection.

Causes of ED

The moment you feel you are having trouble getting and erection, maintaining it, or your sexual desire is reduced, you are obviously experiencing the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). For better analysis and immediate treatment, your family doctor can be the first person you can talk to. Here is a short list of most common causes of ED


High Blood Pressure, Unstable Cholesterol Level, Atherosclerosis, Heart Diseases, and Diabetes are most common partner of Obesity. Any of this can cause ED in the sense that these all affects the blood flow and circulation which is the foundation of every sexual act.

Prostate Treatment:

When you are undergoing treatment for enlarged prostate or prostate cancer, your testosterone production is somewhat affected. As a result, your sexual drive is also reduced just as when you need them to maintain arousal during sex.

Substance Abuse:

Tobacco or alcohol abuse can cause ED as well due to the contents of these substances which inhibit or block production of the sex hormones responsible for your sexual urge to keep up until you’re done with the sexual task.

Psychological / Depression:

Anxiety and any mental factors bothering or affecting you can cause ED as you tend to lack concentration during sex. Your mental health is as important as your physical health, basically.


Work-related problems, family and social issues, financial involvement, and business dealings that you cannot leave off where they should be can also be an initial cause of ED. As it boggles your mind during sex, you will likely end up not performing in bed.

Poor Health:

Unsanitary lifestyle, poor physical care, and unhealthy ways of living can directly affect your sex drive. Moreover, unclean environment can as well trigger loss of focus while you and your partner are engaged in a supposed to be cranked up bed scene.

Men’s health and sexual performance is greatly affected by the standard lifestyle and way of living. Upon experiencing adverse sexual scenarios, many would deny and self-reject the idea that there could be a problem. This will then lead into a much worse condition until everything about the man, and the sexual relationship he has with his partner will be affected. Unfortunately, this can even lead to break up or divorce especially when the man is too hung up on his condition and give up or when the woman feels inadequate to satisfy her partner and eventually give up, just the