Kick startYou’re stressed out. There’s no doubt about it. You’ve been like this for a while. You’ve probably been forgetful lately as well as difficulty concentrating. You’ve also probably been feeling overwhelmed and overloaded. To make it worse, you’ve also probably felt like you’re constantly tiredness and want to cope with drugs, more than likely alcohol.

Those are symptoms of stress. Notably chronic stress – that’s the one that wears you down day after day. With financial constraints, problems at work and home, it’s understandable how you can feel stressed out. But you can’t allow stress to tear you down. If you let it continue then it could kill you.

The first thing you need to do and relax and relieve some of your stress. That’s the only way you can really figure out how to deal with whatever is stressing you out.

  1. Have Sex

You read right. Sex has been shown to reduce stress and boost your overall mood. Not only does it reduce stress but some studies have indicated that sex may has some several other benefits such as boosting your immune system, keeping away prostate cancer and improving your heart health. Even more reasons to get busy.

  1. Workout

Studies have shown that working out is a great stress reliever. Research has shown that exercise causes the body to produce a neuromodulator known as norepinephrine, which may help the brain deal with stress more efficiently. Exercise prepares the body for dealing with stress more efficiently which in end makes you more capable of dealing with the stressors in your life.


  1. Meditate

The benefits of mediation are numerous but it’s known for one thing and that’s stress relief. Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress by helping you identify the stressors in your life and seeing them as just that – stressors. It can also allow you to step outside of yourself and better assess your situation which is key in dealing with stressors.

After using the recommended ways to reduce your stress; take the following steps to deal with the sources of your stress:

  1. Identity the main source of your stress – take time to really look at the problem that’s stressing you out. Get to the root of the matter and don’t deal with surface issues only.
  2. Make a plan – create a plan to deal with the stressor. This will give you a sense of control.
  3. Take action – work your plan and use it to eliminate your stressor and reduce your stress.

Stress is a serious problem that many men face on a daily basis. Don’t let it reduce the quality of your life. Deal with it today!

Share your experiences on dealing with stress in the comments below. We enjoy your stories.

–  James Ennis