shoulderYour shoulders are important. They’re the place where someone will cry if they need to. They help with your posture and your display of confidence (ever see a confident man with poor posture and weak shoulders?). They’re where you’ll carry your burdens, the figurative and literal ones so it makes sense that you prepare them for what’s to come. Here are the 5 best bodyweight shoulder exercises that you can do practically anywhere.

  1. Handstand push ups

Considered by some to be the father of all push ups; this exercise will work everything in your body especially your shoulders. It can be done anywhere just like every other exercise in this list. Get down on your hands and knees, with your back facing the wall. Then put up one foot at a time on the wall. Extend your feet until your body is straight. Lower yourself until your head almost touches the ground then push yourself back up. That’s one rep.

Recommended: 3 sets x 8 reps

  1. Arm Rotations

While this is not a strength exercise like the others, it’s key to warm up your shoulders before and cool them down after working them out. You can even do this whenever your shoulders are feeling kind of tight and uncomfortable. Simply outstretch both arms on either side of your body. Now make small or large circles with your arms. Do ten forward rotations and ten backwards. Increase the number of rotations if you so desire.


  1. Military Press

These are well deserving of their name and you’ll understand why after you’ve finished your first set. Stand up, and then bend over with your hands on the ground in front you. Walk out your hands and stick your butt with your heels together. Your hands should be shoulder width apart. With your back straight and your butt in the air, bend your elbows until your head almost touches the ground then straighten them once more. That’s one rep.

Recommended: 3 sets x 15 reps

  1. The Roof is on Fire

This exercise seems like a piece of cake until you’ve tried it. First you do a push up. Afterwards you get on your knees and push your hands straight into the air like you’re lifting an imaginary weight. That’s one rep. You then do a two push ups followed by eight roof raises. Each push up carries four roof raises. If you do 5 push ups then that carries twenty roof raises. The recommended reps and sets for this one are left to your own discretion.

  1. On-Arm Push Ups

Not one of the easiest variations of the classic push up which is what makes it so good. This exercise is one that you’d work your way into. This is because it requires both strength and coordination but it’s worth it. You’ll be glad you did it too. Simply get into the traditional push up position, walk out your feet to about shoulder width apart, put one arm behind your back. Push down and come back up, that’s one rep.

Recommended: 3 sets x 8 reps